Thursday, June 1, 2017

Recount for Flaxmere Waterworld

Splash! splash! went my group  jumping in the  pool.

We always go  first thing in the  morning term one week one.
We go to Flaxmere Waterworld  to get better  at  swimming .
It was at  Flaxmere Waterworld
Heretaunga Rao Rao Haumako learning community  to room 18 to19 and my class 20 and room and 21.

I   was  shocked when I first went there because it looked pretty deep.  
I smelled chlorine as I wake into Flaxmere Waterworld

‘’So let's get started’’ said the swim  instructor that  was teaching us.`
So we started off  with freestyle.

My favorite part was we got to use the life jackets

I am good at  my freestyle and i am good my backstroke.

I need to work on my  dolphin dive.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Maui and fish

Maui  and the fish  
Maui and  his  brother’s  went out  to the  great   fishing grounds. They went  so far out that  all sight of land was  lost .Maui was looking  into the great  ocean until he  saw  a great  fish. ‘Stop!’ said Maui. He  took his   grandmother's  jawbone he  made his  hook  magic. He cast  his  line that was the signal. Maui pulled on the  line. His waka  was   sinking  as  the  three  fish  came out   of  the water and the  three great  fish  became  the  North island of New  Zealand.  

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hawkes Bay Fires

                   Hawkes Bay Fire
Huge fire sparks State of emergency

Flames horrify
     Fire   blaze -ffff  hhhh went  the  savage  fire  blaze  burning up  and  up. I  ran  out  onto  my   driveway and  saw the  fire blaze  coming  toward me.  I was yelling to  my brother  and  Mum.  My dad came out and said come into  the car. We  went  to look at the fire blaze coming toward us. I feel inside me it is sad.